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20:03 - The big one..

Well as I related recently a coworker from my last job (back in the states) came to visit. In point of fact, he was the only one from the world that visited me while I've been here (yes family, I am *ahem* looking at you :D).

The highlights for me personally were many. To name a few; seeing just how far along in the language I have sank was huge, "meow, meow... meow?" Blazing a 'trail' through the mountains I will return, make no mistake, forwards always forwards. Watching Big D get almost made part of a Japanese family [suddenly], "sure you can stay with us any time. Please take our daughter, she's too old be living at home still, PLEASE!!" Of course who could forget all the sushi, I never ate so much sushi as I did when he was here. good stuff.

He was here for about 14 days and I can say we pretty much hit all the sights that were close by. Fortunately for the both of us that Wakayamaken has a very old history and many interesting places to go. Personally I had seen nearly all of the places already (except for Kyoto), but that is no matter since they are all very dear to me. So w/o first adieu I will let your eyes pass over the frames I stole from the cold grasp of time, memory and history quickly forgotten.

Nara - Home of the big buddha

The Kumano Kodo (Sacred Road)

This 'road' runs from Kyoto all the way down to Shingu. It was used as a pilgrim tail back in the day and even the emperor was supposed to have ridden it (I have heard). A lot of it now is under asphalt, but still there are some really nice stretches that are the old style of cobble stones and Big D and I walked the section closest to our town. Best parts were finding an awesome waterfall (that you can do waterfall training if you want) and Big D almost getting flicked off the mountain.
(the middle is him thanking the mountain gods for not eating him)


I've mentioned this place before, still one of my favorites and we really gave it a good look over while there.

I had been here before, but I never really got a chance to look around. I can say I've finally gotten a good taste of this town. It was really touristed and for me surrounded usually by only Japanese people, being surrounded by so many foreigners I was kinda weirded out. For the readers back home just take my word for it. When you live your last three years surrounded by people that share a lot of their traits its a shock to see people with big noses, fat bodies, pale skin, strange hair and on and on..

Is there an unusual route?

Shingu, Nachi, and surrounds..

Thanks for stopping by-

The view from the top.

** a small interjection while I do this update, I am watching a bit of TV. As I've said before I TV here is a trip. Right now they have a bunch of TV personality actors etc.. playing tag in a soccer stadium. The thing is, the "monster" is a granny and if she tags out all 8 of the young actors then she wins a rice cooker. Not fair right? What if that granny happens to be an olympic marathon runner? (she's got 20 minutes left and only 5 people to tag)...

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